Payment of registration fees

Proceed to payment of registration fees

PLEASE NOTE that the payment uses an independant website : Azurcolloque for which you will also have to create an account.

PLEASE read ALL the information on this page.

Link to Payment facility

Please note that both creating your account and proceeding to fee payment are MANDATORY to complete you registration to the conference.

Registration fees include:

  • Conference entrance
  • Conference materials (badge, pdf programme etc.)
  • Coffee breaks and lunches on October 25, 26 and 27th
  • Breathtaking view on Marseille old harbor
  • Warm welcome & smile of the local organizing team!

Options not included in the conference fees:

  • Conference dinner (45 €)
  • Field trip (35 )
  • Printed programme (5 )



(VAT included)

Sfé members   335 euros
Sfé non members   405 euros
Students   160 euros
Symposia discount   125 euros
Scientific Committee discount   125 euros
Guest delegates   free

 The payment process is as follows:

  1. Follow the link to Payment facility, choose your language and select our conference from the list of upcoming events.
  2. Pre-register by filling a short form regarding your personal information
  3. Wait until your pre-registration is validated by the Organizing committee and your abstract accepted by the scientific committee, you will receive an e-mail from '' confirming your pre-registration. PLEASE note that the validation of your pre-registration can take a few hours and that during this time, you will not be able to pay the conference fees.
  4. Follow the link provided in the e-mail to proceed the payment
  5. Fill in another form and pay by credit-card
  6. You receive an e-mail from '' confirming your payment
  7. NOTE that NO REFUNDING will be possible.

Link to Payment facility

•   Student status is only for PhD and Master students. Students must justify their status by uploading with their abstract,  the copy of their student card or certificate of scholarship.

•   Sfé members will be asked to justify that their annual subscription is updated. To subscribe to the French Society of Ecology, please visit Sfé website:
•   A few grants for researcher of southern countries will be available. If you want to apply, please fill the grant application form and submit it together with your abstract. The selection will take into account the scientific quality of the communication (only oral communications eligible) as well as administrative and geographic aspects.

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